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Advertising Agreement-terms ands Conditions

This Agreement governs the agreement between the ADVERTISER (ADVERTISER  also refers to any AGENCY acting on behalf of the ADVERTISER) and Society 805.


Advertisements are accepted upon the representation that the ADVERTISER has the right to publish the contents thereof. It is understood that the ADVERTISER will indemnify and hold Society 805 harmless from or against any loss or expense arising out of publication of such advertisements, including, but not limited to, those resulting from claims of suits of libel, violation of rights of privacy, plagiarism, and copyright infringements.

All contents of advertisements are subject to Society 805'Sapproval. Society 805 reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising for any reason at any time.

Society 805 shall have no liability for error in ad copy provided by ADVERTISER, by the approval of ADVERTISER when made by Society 805 staff.

The ADVERTISER represents and warrants that the Ad is completely original and does not infringe on the intellectual property rights of any third party.

Society 805'S liability is limited only to direct cost of the advertisement and not for indirect or subsequent damages due to loss of business or profit.

Society 805 accepts no responsibility for loss of traffic to ADVERTISER'S website.

Forward looking statements pertaining to site traffic are best faith estimates based upon past performance.