
Wednesday, 13 January 2016 14:45

Debunking detox with 5 easy fixes

Debunking detox with 5 easy fixes 1Lots of things in life create messes that need to be cleaned up — even in our bodies. Think of a playroom after a long day of family fun — toys and games strewed about the room, which if not tidied, we often end up tripping over. The same holds true for our bodies. After a holiday season of overeating and overindulging, our bodies need straightening up to function at their best, otherwise our digestive system becomes cluttered with toxins. And with cold and flu season in full swing, a body clean up will not only help to improve your digestive system, but it may also help boost your immune system as well.
Monday, 04 January 2016 08:59

4 ways to go green this new year

21585872This new year means fun-filled celebrations, spending time with loved ones and the excitement of new changes in the coming year. It’s also the perfect opportunity to break old habits and create new, healthy ones. While many put exercising, eating healthy or traveling at the top of their resolution list, this new year is a great time to start thinking green!
Wednesday, 23 December 2015 08:00

From 20s to 50s: How to age gracefully

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When you're constantly bombarded with messages and news about the latest anti-aging treatments and methods, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. How can you maintain a skincare routine when the rules seem to be ever-changing? It might be simpler than you think. By separating the hype from reality, you can come up with a core skincare routine to perfectly suit the skin you're in.
SUFFERING ALLERGYYou heard all about the worst allergy season ever. You know the pollen tsunami swept through and left everyone sneezing and wheezing in its wake. But you want to know why the end of summer is almost here and you’re still miserable.
INTRO demetologist QAMoisture concerns: How to spot the good and the bad before it gets ugly.
From creams and gels to serums and oils, moisturizers are often at the forefront of a woman’s beauty routine. However, moisture can also be regarded for the negative effects it can have on skin, as in the case of sweat and surface wetness that can lead to a range of various conditions. These quintessential examples of “good moisture” and “bad moisture” demonstrate that we should consider both when it comes to a comprehensive skin care routine.
INTRO Rethinking brest cancer 1In the United States, one in five new breast cancer cases is stage 0 disease, but for Amy Thigpen, a mother of three who works in an oncology clinic, breast cancer is not a statistic; it is personal. After all, her mother is a breast cancer survivor, and later, she too faced-off with a similar diagnosis.
Wednesday, 29 July 2015 00:35

Superfood, not supersize your snacking.

superfoodsAmerica is a nation of snackers, consuming an ever-increasing array of larger-sized food. You’ve probably heard of the trend “supersizing.” The challenge is that as our snacks have increased in size, so too have the number of empty calories we consume. Instead of supersizing our snacks, dietician Ashley Koff says now is the time to superfood our snacks instead. What does that mean? Supersizing is simply increasing the amount of food we are eating, while superfooding is packing those snacks with as many nutrients and health benefits as possible.

5 important things showers 2You use it to get clean, refresh, relax or get invigorated, but how much do you really know about your shower? Did you know that the average shower lasts eight minutes in America, or that the shower is the third largest source of water use in the average American home? With conserving water and saving money and time becoming increasingly important to many people, here are the five most important things you should know about your shower:

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