
Wednesday, 01 August 2012 23:00

Black Eyed Pea Stew with Seasonal Greens, Shitake Mushroom & Arame Sea Vegetable

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Black Eyed Pea StewBlack Eyed Pea Stew with Seasonal Greens, Shitake Mushroom & Arame Sea Vegetable

Soak 4 cups dry black eyed peas for 24hrs under 6 inches filtered water in a large (4 - 6 qt.) pot.

The next day, rinse off the old soak water and replace with fresh filtered water (enough so the beans are covered by at least 3 inches of water). Bring to a boil, skimming excess foam off the top for the first few minutes. Reduce to a low simmer with the lid on at an angle (so steam can escape) for 45 minutes. Remove lid and stir in 1 Tbsp ground each ground cumin and coriander, ½ tsp cayenne, and 2 Tbsp each ground ginger. Stir and simmer another 5 minutes. Add 4 cups chopped carrot or yam, 2 cups chopped shitake mushroom, and a large handful dried arame sea vegetable - arame contains alginic acid, which helps to bind & remove both heavy metals AND radioactive substances from the body! Okay, simmer 3 more minutes, then add 4-5 cups (as much as will fit in the pot) chopped seasonal greens such as kale, collards, savoy cabbage, bok choy or mustard greens - the darker green, the more bio-available, food-state minerals they have! Turn off heat and stir in 1 Tbsp dried dill, 1 tsp dried/rubbed sage, and ½ tsp marjoram. Next add 5 Tbsp ghee, butter, virgin coconut oil OR high-quality extra virgin olive oil, and 2-3 tsp whole sea salt like Celtic or Himalayan Pink, and the juice of 2 ripe lemons (taste as you go, adding more of any of these if desired). If you've got some leftover brown rice, stir some in at the end if there’s room in the pot. A nice salad on the side makes this a perfect meal. Enjoy!    

Arugula Tabouli Salad (aka:”Tabougula”) Sensational Summer Dish!

Soak 2 cups dry quinoa (any color of quinoa) overnight under about two inches filtered water in the pot you plan to simmer it in tomorrow. The next day, rinse off the old soak water and replace with 4 cups fresh water. Bring to a boil, stir in ½ tsp whole sea salt, and then reduce heat to simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and drain quinoa immediately then spread out in a large mixing bowl to cool for at least 30 minutes. When quinoa has cooled, stir in 3 - 5 colves finely chopped garlic, 1 bunch finely chopped fresh arugula, ½ bunch fresh parsley, 2-3 diced vine-ripe tomatoes, 1/3 cup high-quality extra virgin olive oil, juice of 3 -4 ripe lemons, 1 tsp whole sea salt to taste, and if desired ½ a red onion - diced. Yum Dude!


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cookwell portraitCourtney Coleman loves to show people how to cook with whole foods for health & happiness. She can teach you how to prepare amazingly tasty, whole foods snacks & meals with plenty of proteins, good fats & minerals according to the ancient principles of Macrobiotics & Ayurvedic cooking. Everyone has a unique body type, and Courtney helps people tune in to what foods are best for personal balance of mind, body & spirit. Courtney will come to your home anywhere in SLO County to teach you privately, your group of friends, or kid’s classes!


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