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5 simple tips to stay connected during back-to-school season

33078572Back-to-school season is an exciting time for both students and parents, but it can be a stressful time as well. For students, it can be intimidating taking on new classes and settings, all while juggling extracurricular activities. Meanwhile, parents face added financial and emotional stress that comes with a new school year, from purchasing school supplies and new clothing to learning to let go. Through it all, one constant between students and parents is the desire to stay connected.
As parents prepare to send their kids off for the new school year, Total Wireless is serving up five simple tips to help you confidently stay connected during the upcoming back-to-school season:

1. Plan ahead: There are many elements that go into prepping for back-to-school and the long list of to-do’s can be daunting. Taking things one step at a time and getting organized in advance can make all the difference. Using your smartphone to keep track of your to-do list and look up move-in checklists for packing and shopping guidance can help you stay organized, save time and allow you to work smarter, not harder.

2. Stay in touch: Thanks to technology, there are a variety of ways to connect in between study sessions and after-school activities. With the ability to call, text, video chat and email, smartphones are an essential tool for staying in touch with loved ones near and far. Look for ways to experience things “together” by texting regularly over good news, small updates or things that make you think of one another. Set up time weekly — or multiple times a week — to video chat, and never underestimate the power of a phone call. And with nationwide coverage on America’s largest, most dependable network, Total Wireless makes staying connected to family easier than ever.

To offer families a dependable way to stay in touch this back-to-school season, Total Wireless is giving away 5GB of free 4G LTE† data (that never expires![1]), with the purchase of a new line through Sept. 30, 2018.[2] Head to your neighborhood Target store during the month of August to try out the latest devices and learn more about this great promotion.

3. Send care packages: For parents with kids heading off to college, plan a sweet surprise with a customized care package to show your student just how much you miss them. Send along their favorite healthy snacks, treats, magazines and more just because, or in advance of a big exam or special occasion. Consider including a pair of headphones — a college staple, perfect for hunkering down to study, a trip to the gym or getting around campus. Plus, Total Wireless is giving away 30,000 Pandora Premium 90-day subscriptions for devices purchased through August — the perfect complement for a new pair of headphones.[3] Ultimately, no matter what you choose to send in a care package, it will put a smile on their face knowing you are rooting for them at home.

4. Enjoy some “me” time: Along with heading back to school comes a level of adventure — for parents, too! Take advantage of an open schedule and some time of your own by planning a trip to a destination you’ve always wanted to visit, or checking an item off your bucket list. For those who just want to kick back and relax, consider treating yourself to a spa day or a good read. Given there’s an app for everything these days, you can use your smartphone to find activity ideas, or score the best deals, regardless of how you choose to spend your “me” time.

5. Be confident: While experiencing change can be intimidating or overwhelming, trust in your child (and yourself!) and believe they are strong enough to face any challenges that may arise. Offer them positive encouragement by letting them know you are proud of their accomplishments and have full confidence in all they will achieve in the future.

Parents and students alike, focus your energy and time on making new memories and maintaining communication with loved ones throughout the school year. And most importantly, remember “you got this!” Discover more on the latest devices and great rate plans at TotalWireless.com.

†To get 4G LTE speed where available you must have a 4G LTE capable device and a 4G LTE SIM card. Actual availability, coverage and speed may vary. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. Please always refer to the latest terms and conditions of service at TotalWireless.com.


[1] Unused Add-On Data does not expire with active service

[2] Requires activation with qualifying plan (min. $35/30-Day)

[3] Exclusive to Target and Total Wireless Corporate stores

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