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#TBM Artist Interview: WAV Artist Vonder Gray

#Throw Back Mondays (originally posted 8/22/10)
Vonder Gray is another artist at the WAV who has been involved with art and acting for over twenty years. Gray describes her art as “abstract expressionist”. “The color, the brush strokes, the markings if you will, are all conceived at an emotional level that informs the work both on the surface and beneath the surface”. Gray went on to say that she “is always interested in what’s behind the façade of a painting and of a person”.
Gray also acts and got swept up into the acting scene by plainly answering an ad in the newspaper. Next thing Gray knows, she was on the set of TV’s Law & Order. Gray describes the experience as “amazing”. Soon after she began taking acting classes with her teacher Jim Brick at the Gene Frankel Theater in NYC. Jim Brick encouraged the artist/actress to write her own audition pieces. Grays ambition and creativity gave birth to her “one woman show; Skydiver”, which has been performed in NYC as well as in Ventura.

When asked which artistic medium she favors most, Gray replied, “Art is my first love, but the writing/ performing is a very close 2nd! They are both mediums of expression and storytelling”. Gray’s experience has been happy and positive, which is the case with all the members of the WAV. Gray is originally from the East Coast and moved to Ventura County in 2001. Gray considers herself a transplanted New Yorker, but declares her love for California. “My children live her, I have amazing friend, and Ventura is an exciting place to be in the arts… right now”!

Like most artist Gray’s art has evolved from the dark era to a brighter one. On an online bio I read that Gray decided to brighten up her artwork, she claimed it was too dark. When asked to explain this to me, Gray responded that, “I have suffered from depression my whole life. In 2006 I realized, thanks to all the work I had done as well as some grace, I was not depressed anymore! Shortly after that realization, I began a series of paintings based on some of the experiences I had had during those years. Too many dark paintings makes Vonder an unhappy girl… although too many bright paintings...ahh, it’s all about balance in life, isn’t it”?
Gray plans to continue painting, she also plans on showing her work both locally and nationally, she would even like to show internationally. Gray believes “times like these are perfect mulch for incredible creativity! And people need art and the arts, in these times more than ever. The future of art is the future of the human spirit… anything can happen”! So stop by the WAV during their monthly art walk and pay Vonder Gray a visit.
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