
2 minutes reading time (333 words)

Is Detox The New Buzzword

tri color juice
Detox- The Hip Marketing 'Buzz Word'
"Consume these flavorful, menagerie of juices from veggies and fruits in place of meals for only $60 per day and you will feel healthier!"
Ever heard something along those lines? My own daughter tried a week-long series last year. I warned her that she may experience intense feelings of anger, but she had to experience it for herself at age 20.  At the end of day 2, having bought for the whole week, she quit stating she was tired, hungry and felt angry.
This experience isn't unique.  Many juicing regime companies claim that you'll feel more focused. There is no imperial data to back up this claim. Your brain needs protein and fat to function optimally.  Without these nutrients your system goes into ketosis,  which can leave your brain feeling foggy.
Many juicing companies claim you'll feel more energized, but depending on how long you detox-cleanse, your body begins to sense deprivation and slows it's systems down to conserve that nutrient-fuel. This can leave you feeling sluggish. 
Claims include that cleansing detoxes your organs which allows healthy nutrients to move directly into those organs.  Many herbs, and whole foods (not processed) have cleansing properties.  Many juice lines are high in sugar, which is counter productive for cleaning out body systems.  
The claim that they rejuvenate you has no basis in fact.  For the body to repair natural muscle breakdown following exercise, you need protein. To fight off viruses and prevent diseases, your body needs a well balanced mix of lean protein, low-fat dairy, healthy fats, whole fruits, veggies, whole grains, and water. Limiting calories for extended periods of time depletes your energy.  Your body wants to conserve the available fuel,  and so, slows down your systems.
Healthy living is about balance.  Balance with exercise, rest time, laughter, love and food.  I believe your better off with balanced, moderate food choices that energize and uplifts your other goals in life.
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