Preventing Breast Cancer
The following is a list of various diet and lifestyle factors proven to benefit breast health from the amazing natural doctor Joseph Mercola (www.mercola.com)
The First Steps To Restoring Vitality
It’s difficult when we see a loved one, who’s struggling with their wellness, continue to choose processed foods. Encouraging them to add one or two beneficial aspects of diet, rather than telling them they shouldn’t eat the processed foods they’re attached to, is way easier for them emotionally, as a first step.
Black Eyed Pea Stew with Seasonal Greens, Shitake Mushroom & Arame Sea Vegetable
Here's a couple of my favorite summer recipes below for ya...
Brown Rice, The Wonder-Grain
Find out why eating simple, organic, brown rice as the staple grain in your diet just might turn you into a superhero. Whole foods expert & cooking coach Courtney Coleman explains it's benefits, the detriments of refined carbs in the typical modern diet, and a fool-proof recipe for perfect brown rice including delicious breakfast and dessert ideas.
Carob-Coconut Cloud - a medium-glycemic breakfast or dessert to help with sugar cravings
Delicious recipes for July.