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Boba Smoothies

bobasmoothiesBeginning of October and it's still hot out? Oh yeah! Savor those last cool refreshing drinks before the cold hits, jackets come out of hibernation, and all you can think about is needing warmth. It seems like almost everyone is ready for the change in whether, but not this girl. I'm soaking up the last of the summer heat and pairing it with a boba smoothie!

Have you ever wanted to be "that friend" who introduces some food place or tasty food dish, that everyone gets hooked on and thanks you each time they have it because their life wasn't complete until they tried it? Believe it or not, "that friend" becomes a hero; lives have changed for the better. YOU can be that friend! All you have to say is one word....... boba.

T  T




There are tons of people that still haven't heard about boba OR they have heard about it, but still haven't tried it. Boba is a term referring to slightly sweet tapioca balls with a chewy consistency resembling a gummy bear. (When people ask what boba is, describing it as round gummy bears is a safe bet so people are open to trying it, rather than a mother like mine who thinks they look like fish eyes.) It's usually added to smoothies or tea drinks, giving a nice chewy surprise with every slurp.

Boba is pretty standard and there aren't too many different ways to prepare it, so when needing to compare who serves good boba and who doesn't, it comes down to which place makes it fresh and how well the drinks are that complement the boba. At Boba Smoothies in Oxnard, you couldn't ask for a better place to try it for the first time or get your favorite drink, but with a new flavor. They have an amazing selection of over 40 flavors!

In the mood to be fruity? They offer honeydew, pineapple, mango, pina colada, passion fruit, to name a few choices. Need that caffeine punch and jump start to your day? Try mocha, java chip, coffee toffee, or white chocolate mocha for the coffee lovers. Don't worry, Boba Smoothies didn't forget those with a sweet tooth. Cookies and cream or chocolate peanut butter anyone? Yes, please!


One of the more unique aspects of Boba Smoothies is not only do they serve regular boba, they also have popping boba as well! A girl on staff explained it as fruit flavored boba. Once you've graduated from rookie in the regular boba department, try your tasting in the popping boba. You could be "that friend" who gets rookies and vets hooked on something new; double whammy!

Hours: 10am-8pm everyday

Boba Smoothies
1941 N. Rose Ave. #460
Oxnard, CA 93031

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