
2 minutes reading time (389 words)

Artist Interview- WAV Resident Julinya Vidigal De Vince

01Stumbling upon an artist that can twist and formulate her painting style upon request is like stumbling upon unseen collections by the masters among the history of art. Julinya Vidigal De Vince is a fantastic artist that currently lives and works in her unit at the WAV.

De Vince was born in Brazil and grew up in Chicago where she first became enthralled by art. She began taking classes in painting, then sculpture, pottery, and jewelry. After attending the Sorbonne University in Paris, where she deeply developed her unique talent, she immersed herself into the European art culture and rubbed elbows with fabulous artists throughout the city of love.
After her art career matured in Europe, De Vince returned to the United States where she taught for 15 years. This chameleon artist owes the variety of styles to her teaching experience where she was required to demonstrate and explain all types of painting--realist, impressionist, abstract, expressionist etc. 
Currently, De Vince works in commissions and occasionally calls on her son Victor Vidigal Avila to produce collaborative works including the juxtaposition of the abstract and the figurative on one canvas. Along with her mixed media collaboratives, De Vince is commissioned to create genius adaptations of paintings by masters such as Rubens, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Cezanne etc. These pieces are not simply copies of the legendary paintings; De Vince goes beyond by putting forth her own emotion and techniques—producing an impressive painting pleasing her commissioners again and again.
After learning of Julinya Vidigal De Vince's accomplishments, I soon learned I was in the presence of a modern day master. Her extraordinary paintings line the white walls of her bright, spacious studio at the WAV causing me to stand in awe as I carefully soak up the beauty and intensity of each piece. De Vince's work was not limited to a canvas, but to extensive walls and ceilings. This masterful artist paints murals on ceilings mimicking Michelangelo—even the discomfort of painting upside down with wet oil paint dripping on her face.
De Vince greatly appreciates the WAV for its capacity of talent and rich culture. This accomplished artist states "There are things other artists can do better than I can, living at the WAV aids me in accomplishing more and learning more".
photo credit: Jaclyn Szabo
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