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Host in Style with These Easy Tips

tabletop 11The Holiday season is approaching fast and you know what that means, social gatherings! It's the perfect excuse to indulge in food you normally stay away from and it's the most common secret way to meet a potential date. You don't have to be Martha Stewart to become a Premiere Hostess and with these five easy steps, you will add an atomic quality to your fabulous skills!
Set the Date. 
Give yourself and your guests time to prepare for the evening and make it an affair! You want people to let lose, mingle and have a good time without thinking about tomorrow so set a week-end date. If you want something more intimate yet light, afternoon dates are just as fun.
Delicious Smells
Delicious Smells.
The Trump Hotel in New York always smells delicious whenever I visit. The secret to their potpourri remains confidential but one thing to take away is that pleasant olfactory scents will dispose your guests favourably from the moment they walk in. A crowd pleaser, try Saje's refreshing diffuser with notes of rosemary, bergamot and peppermint. For a more masculine scent, try Penhaligon's Maduro Leaf candle. 
 Tasty Treats 1
(l) Baked Chicken nuggets stuffed with mozzarella, (c) Buffalo wing Turkey turkey lettuce wrap & (r) Pan fried healthy cinnamon bananas
Tasty Treats. 
One thing that will seal your reputation as a Premiere Host is what you feed your guests. To save you some time and to ensure you too enjoy your night, opt for delicious appetizers instead of an elaborate dish. Crispy Baked Chicken Nuggets Stuffed with Mozzarella , Buffalo Wing Turkey Lettuce Wrap and Pan Fried Healthy Cinnamon Bananas  will have your guests singing you praise!
party games s2Ice Breaking Games. 
A social party is a great way for you to mix people from different careers and background together that would normally not cross each other's paths. To help everyone engage in conversation and to leave the anxiety many feel when meeting new people, entertain your guests with games. "Two Truths And A Lie" is a classic and easy one. Another good ice breaking game is "The Game of Things" whereas one person makes a “things” statement (for instance, “Things That Make You Smile”) and everyone else writes down an example on a piece of paper. The answers are collected and read aloud and everyone tries to guess who wrote what. 
keep calm and continue to be an excellent host by greenframes d59ugvxBe Enthusiastic. 
As the host, you provide an experience to your guests and set the tone for the night. Respect the three D's - Don't hover, Don't puff, Don't stress. Once you are certain that everything is set and ready, sit back and behave like a guest!
*Bonus*. Engulf your guests in evocative soundscapes with a great playlist. Alina Baraz and Galimatias Fantasy, always sets the right mood.
**1st images via www.apartment34.com
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Comments 2

Guest - Dario on Saturday, 24 September 2016 04:11

Hi Cassandra,

I see you have mentioned the ice breaker game Two truths and a lie. An app was created for such a game especially for couples to play over long distances. Check it out! Let me know what you think


Hi Cassandra, I see you have mentioned the ice breaker game Two truths and a lie. An app was created for such a game especially for couples to play over long distances. Check it out! Let me know what you think truthsandlie.com
Guest - Cassie on Saturday, 15 October 2016 14:01

Hi Dario!

Your suggestion comes in handy as I am hosting a poetry night in a couple of weeks and wanted to try new ice breaking games. I will definitely check out the app!


Hi Dario! Your suggestion comes in handy as I am hosting a poetry night in a couple of weeks and wanted to try new ice breaking games. I will definitely check out the app! Cheers, Cassie
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