The 805 is home to various cuisines, the futher up the central coast you go you will find some fantastic wineries. We provide the insider scoops of restaurants and food festivals here in the 805 to create a great fine dining experience.
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Chef's Corner-Sean Studds , Chef of Faculty Club, Santa Barbara
Written byGetting ready for another school year, Executive C is prepared and awaiting the first day of school at the Faculty Club on the campus of University of California Santa Barbara. Although busy throughout the year, Chef Studds still finds down time with a less stressful schedule than most executive chefs have. Whipping up delicious and fresh soups, salads, risotto, and seafood everyday, these students and faculty are experiencing five star lunches, that are so affordable!
Wow is all that could be said by both Evan and I when we walked into the Toppers at Channel Islands, also known as Toppers by the Sea. Thundering and lightning, we ran inside to find a huge two story masterpiece with tons of windows to display the amazing view of the harbor. If you've ever eaten at Toppers Pizza Place before, you know each one is single story, has the basic benches, T.V.s, salad bar, etc. Well, Toppers by the Sea is definitely making a statement and redefining your idea of what this popular pizza place should look like. Your mouth will drop just like ours did in awe of what you walk into.
Tucked away in Old Moorpark, off the beaten path, Carli's Bistro is found with a feel of a beach house; frayed bamboo looking umbrellas contributes to this feel on their outdoor front patio. I love how they have their patio in the front because they are right across the street from the AMTRACK train tracks and can catch that every once in awhile, as well as just be entertained from the people walking by. It's very low key and quaint so you get a feeling of "kick off your shoes and stay awhile" eating in the historic area; being in a rush is not what Old Moorpark is about.
Thanksgiving Recipes : Broccoli Chowder
Written byThanksgiving Recipes: Savory Pork Roast
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I started cooking this roast a few seasons ago and it is such a big hit at Thanksgiving, I actually crave it!