#Throw Back Mondays (originally posted 10/1/12)
Christina Diaz, 805 visionary, publisher, curator, producer, Renaissance woman at large, has been crossing boundaries and bringing diverse art worlds together across the 805. Her production company, Pistol Productions, has put together a string of strong art shows, primarily in Oxnard and Ventura, bringing together artists and audiences from both towns to the benefit of all. Recent shows curated for the Stoneworks Studios, in the Ventura Avenue art zone, have repeatedly drawn large, enthusiastic, and diverse crowds.
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Geoff Pocock
July 21 - September 10, 2017
GraySpace Gallery in the Funk Zone, Santa Barbara, CA
GraySpace Gallery in the Funk Zone, Santa Barbara, CA
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#Throw Back Mondays (originally posted 7/29/10)
Gregory Radionov is a quiet, unassuming, incredible artist. His watercolors are alive with color and texture and energy: each one tells a story you want to know more about. Thank goodness Radionov paints in series so the story becomes complete.
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The attacks contine as Diane (Kathleen Bosworth ) and Tierney (Allan Noel) struggle to survive in Conor McPherson's apocalyptic thriller THE BIRDS live on stage from June 23 - July 30 at the Santa Paula Theater Center, Santa Paula, CA.
Photo Credit: Brian Stethem Photography
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Erik ReeL and Diane Silver
July 13 - August 20, 2017 Porch Gallery, Ojai, CA
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The play When We Were Young and Unafraid is sort of a local legend. Originally a smaller project workshopped in Ojai, it was eventually produced off-Broadway in 2014. Its author, Sarah Treem has gone on to do television, including writing for Game of Throne, I believe. The play itself is a well-structured, tightly written play set in 1972 about women's issues, featuring four strong women's parts and a token male role. Though set in the 70s it is more relevant today than ever.
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Art Review
Delightful Bob Privitt Show at the Ventura County Museum
Bob Privitt's solo show, Manipulations, brings another round of Privitt's well-known and delightful assemblages to the Ventura County Museum. Privitt has also had a solo show of his work at the Tool Room gallery at the Bell Arts Center when it was run by the museum. The current show presents a tighter, more closely related group of small sculpture/assemblages. Though color is not usually a key element in assemblage art, this show uses color very effectively to up the intensity of the visual impact to good effect.
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Beyond Mozart
Milo's Other Mozart Performance of a Lifetime Comes to Rubicon
Milo's Other Mozart Performance of a Lifetime Comes to Rubicon
It is to Karyl Lynn Burns and the Rubicon Theatre's great credit that they have brought Sylvia Milo's truly remarkable performance, The Other Mozart, to Ventura and the Rubicon stage for a limited engagement. This is a very special night of theatre, not to be missed by anyone even remotely interested in seeing a great performance. There is nothing quite like it available anywhere else. Rubicon brings in not only Milo but her entire original production that ran so successfully in New York and London and now tours internationally.
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#Throw Back Mondays (originally posted 8/10/10)
As a playwright, a poet, a painter, and a print-maker, Frances Spencer has firmly planted herself in both the world of art and the world of writing and drama--but there really is not much of a distinction to be found there. Spencer has lived and enjoyed her two passions thoroughly through her experimenting and conceiving and creating.
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#Throw Back Mondays (originally posted 8/10/10)
Edward Weston’s vintage classical photography took simple subjects--the naked body or a simple plant--and transformed each into something magnificent through his genius use of the camera and the darkroom. Luther Gerlach is one of many who studied Weston’s work and immediately became enthralled with his skill--both technical and visual.
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